An Opinion On Soulmates… 

“Tragic… Torturous… Terrifying… ” maybe thats how its all been in my mind, in front of me… All this while…. Its all been messy like crap since I started using Instagram and found someone who “used to”  *love* me… I know I am just fourteen and this is no time to even think about falling in love, to feel the purest form of emotion with a soulmate, at such a tender age!  But, let’s get this straight- on an average,  we start puppy-loving right at 14, well, not all, but half of the population does…  and, sometimes, its better to back away, like I did… Nobody is looking for puppy-loving and hookups and breakups, all we want is love…. To be honest,  you won’t have a lack of a life-partners, the lack is of a soulmate… A soulmate is one who understands and will be with you, even if you are 10 times worse or ten times better! Its similar to the relation of the Sun and the Earth, look how they support each other… The Sun loves Earth and nurtures her because if his heat do not have warmth…  his rays, does not beget life not love nor goodness, then what’s the use of the Sun being ‘The Sun’? And if the Earth cannot stand up to receive the Sun’ s love and be his strength, make him worthy of being the Sun…. what’s the use?? 

Till next time…. Loads of Love, 

Bhabana Rabha:) 
